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Improve Cash Flow & Funds Availability

Outsource your collection of payments to Brenix Credit Union Bank. We process your payment collection accurately and with efficiency to help improve cash flow and funds availability.

Our Lockbox solutions help minimize the time and expenses required to process payments. With our advanced technology, we will process your payments, coupons, and envelopes according to your instructions. The service provides online access to images including remittance coupons, checks, and related correspondence.

Features & Benefits

  • Wholesale, wholetail, and retail Lockbox options available
  • Improve staff productivity and decrease potential of manual entry errors by automating your payment processes
  • Access to Lockbox reports that provide detailed remittance data and images online or through secured transmission, view remittance information and images shortly after process
  • Image capability - dual sided and color images
  • Consistent Lockbox service levels across national footprint with multiple "key-time" mail pick-up during business day

Need help?

If you have additional questions or would like to enroll in our Global Transaction Services, please contact us during our convenient business hours.

Give us a call at

+1 559 500 1009

Or send us a message

Email Us

Mon through Fri

8:00 am to 7:30 pm PT