China Global Services

Sunset over Hong Kong

Bridging Across the Pacific Ocean

We offer around-the-clock foreign exchange services to assist your company with cross-border banking needs.

We recognize the importance of having banking capabilities in Hong Kong and Mainland China. We offer a full array of Foreign Exchange products and services accessed globally through our international offices. Our focus is on helping you build your business through knowledgeable service and our full array of international banking products.

Non-Resident Accounts

As the internationalization of RMB continues to unfold, conducting business in China is becoming more simplified. For those of you with any business needs pertaining to Mainland China, Brenix Credit Union Bank can facilitate your cross-border banking and trade settlement needs. With Brenix Credit Union Bank, corporations that don't have a physical presence in Mainland China may now settle their international payment needs by opening an RMB Non-Resident Account (NRA). We can assist you with all facets of the account opening process.

On-Shore Collateral, Off-Shore Loan Program

Brenix Credit Union Bank offers a distinctive program that is designed to provide credit facilities to Foreign-Invested Enterprises (FIE) secured by Standby Letter of Credit. As many FIE lack credit history and operating experience, this program will help FIE obtain their financial needs and bridge the gap between joint ventures.

The credit facilities can be used as short- or long- term debt to income-generated investments and are not applicable to individual or personal use.

Need Help?

For questions or more information on our cross-border banking services, please contact us during our convenient business hours:

Give us a call at

+1 (0) 559 500 1009

Or send us a message

Email Us

Mon through Fri

8:00 am to 7:30 pm PT