COVID-19 Mortgage Assistance Request

We realize that COVID-19 continues to cause financial hardships. We know you want to recover as quickly as possible, however we understand you may not yet be able to repay your deferred mortgage payments as scheduled which increased your monthly payments for a period of time.

What options do I have to repay the missed payments?

We will take into account your financial situation, which includes type of loan, your loan status, and whether your payments were current when the COVID-19 emergency was declared back in March 2020. This information will help us decide if you can meet the requirements for one of these programs:

A repayment plan: We may be able to divide the amount due from the missed payments into more affordable amounts, spread out over a specified time.

Payment deferral: We may be able to move your deferred payments to the end of your loan repayable when you refinance, sell, or payoff your mortgage.

A loan modification: We may be able to modify certain provisions of your loan, such as the interest rate or term, to make payments more affordable. This program is intended for those experiencing long-term income reduction due to the pandemic.

In order to assist you, you need to submit your financial information for us to review and qualify you.

Please do the following:

Find out if your loan is owned by Fannie Mae

If your loan is owned by Fannie Mae, the Bank is required to follow this investor’s COVID-19 relief guidelines.  Click on the link below to find out if your loan is owned by Fannie Mae.

If your loan is owned by Fannie Mae and this is your first time requesting financial assistance, or you are currently in a payment deferral plan, please call our Customer Service Center at 877-392-6868.

Otherwise, complete the Fannie Mae Mortgage Assistance Application so that we can review your loan for workout options. Go to the section below entitled How to return the Application for the different methods available to return the completed application.

If your loan is NOT owned by Fannie Mae

If this is your first time requesting financial assistance, or you are currently in a payment deferral and would like us to review your loan for a more permanent workout solution, complete the Brenix Credit Union Bank Mortgage Assistance Application so that we can review your loan for workout options. Go to the section below entitled How to return the Application for the different methods available to return the application.


How to return the Application:

You may return the completed application using any one of the following methods:

  1. Brenix Credit Union Bank via mail:
    Shirlea & Lancaster Roads, 5949, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas.
  2. Email:

We will contact you within five business days to acknowledge receipt of your application.  We will use the information you provided to help us identify the assistance you may be eligible to receive. If you need help completing this application, please contact Brenix Credit Union Bank toll-free at +1 (0) 559 500 1009 .

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your loan workout options, please call our Customer Service Center at +1 (0) 559 500 1009

For additional resources click here.